We have all done a Google search for "Peter Criss imposter". The results have been nothing but articles about his famed imposter that he confronted on Donahue. You know the story. a homeless LA wino was going around saying he was the famed KIϟϟ drummer. a tabloid printed a story stating it was the truth. Even Tom and Roseanne reached out to help the guy and some struggling actress is here claiming to have had relations with Peter While Mrs. Criss watches from the audience. Anyways the whole episode was recently put up on Youtube for us to enjoy. Enjoy!
The most bizarre thing about this, is that the imposter looked more like Ace Frehley than Peter Criss - how anyone could mistake him for Criss is beyond me!
ReplyDeleteLooks more like Sissy Spacek if she'd shagged Axle Rose and produced a mutant son more like !
DeleteHello All...Im the fan in Peters makeup from the show...A friend called me the day of the taping to tell me that Peters was going to be on...I called the show for tickets but was told that tickets were mailed weeks in advance...I asked that if I come in Peters makeup could I get a ticket...They said Yes...I had no green makeup for my eyes so I used Blue...My best friend Trip (his real name) and I spent some quality time with Peter after the show....Peter and I have discussed this day many times since...There is a photo of me Unmasked on Peters Website with my son from his appearance at "All Things That Rock " 2014...Joe D.
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Can you send a link?
DeleteAwesome post Joe! I'm trying to find out wtf ever happened with that woman and her mom! Many say he lies and exaggerates (we all do), but she and her mom looked sketchy as well!
DeletePeter clearly had an affair with that woman.
ReplyDeleteProbably, but who cares??
DeleteTotally agree!
DeleteYa think? I'm on the fence lol.
DeleteWell I'm sure you just arrived and over the last several years this was a hot bed of discussion that to this day is the most bizarre in the history of KISS when it comes to fans claiming they know Peter Criss which unfortunately this surrounded by a homeless guy who claims he's Peter Criss. To add more fire to the bizarre a obscure actress by the name of Cheryl Anne Thompson wanting fame took advantage of helping the homeless guy so she could impress Criss which she got turned down big time. If you see the video from 30 years ago you'll be shaking your head. Among Donahue's classics.
DeleteMost definitely! I can not believe how mean they were to Cheryl Anne. I do not think she lied about her affair with Peter at al!
ReplyDeleteI don’t think she lied either! He made a total pompous ass out of himself trying to discredit her.
DeleteNo photos?!? No letters? I think she was the teal impostor in the story
DeleteHi Chris I know it's been three months since someone responded to this story surrounding Cheryl this woman wanted to assess her self proclaimed acting career which she appeared on the Phil Donahue show which evolved around a guy name Chris Dickerson who was a imposter claiming he's Peter Criss and he was living homeless on a pier in Los Angeles so these two ladies Cheryl and her mom found him which as a result took him to the Phil Donahue show and as they say the rest is history and Cheryl got rejected big time. She is the imposter all right.
DeleteI think by Peter's reaction he did have an affair with her. If he didn't he wouldn't has acted so mad about it.
DeleteYou can look at it in different ways this was around that time Peter's mother died which this couldn't have come at a worser time and Cheryl pretty much crossed a line that very much ended her 15 minutes of fame. Peter looked distraught and him coming on the show was just to clear the air before more poop hits the fan.
DeleteI can't get over the wide-eyed innocent look of Dickinson. The way he talked seems just like a child as well.
ReplyDeleteDidn't an ex boyfriend of cheryl call in and call her a pathological liar?
ReplyDeleteNo! She was friends with the guys ex boyfriend.
DeleteYes! She claimed to have a 5 month affair... with nonphotos, no letters, no proof. I think she lied!
DeleteDoes anyone know whatever became of Cheryl Ann Thompson or Christopher Dickinson? I always thought Thompson was cute, and certainly Peter's speed. I'm sure Dickinson is no longer with us, but even after 26 years, I wonder if Cheryl Ann is still around...somewhere.
ReplyDeleteshe dies in her 50s a short time ago..2014 I think..Google her name
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNo she did not die she had a daughter and became a nurse! You shouldn't say something like that unless you know what you're talking about what is wrong with you !?!
DeleteRobertsez she's a nurse now and totally a different woman today here's her Facebook link she's alive and well!
I'm glad she is doing well and got her life together.
DeleteAnother WRONG Cheryl Ann ... NOT the facebook linked Cheryl & Not the deceased Cheryl ! Keep trying ...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI know this is an old thread but she did the Same thing to another Actor , Jan Michael Vincent. They have a photo of her and him together and she say she had a miscarriage by him and was going to Sue him for 5 million. The Reason you all can not find her is she added to her name as Cheryl Ann Thompson Chiafullo. She was on one episode of Mattloc But I can not find the name of that episode of Mattlock and Found zero mention of her on any episode of Simon and Simon. Hopes this Answer some of your part of your questions.
DeletePeter Criss and his wife divorced shortly after this scandal, and I bet it was because he absolutely, in fact had an affair with Cheryl.
ReplyDeleteActually, according to his biography and others... she was on drugs and had numerous affairs. Doesn’t mean both can't be true (him having an affair and her cheating on him).
DeleteHi there! I too think that Peter probably did have an affair with Cheryl Ann, and was trying to gloss it over. My husband and I too are wondering what became of her, and yeah, the "imposter" guy (who looked NOTHING like him) is more than likely no longer.
DeleteI believe Cheryl Ann too. Peter was a maniac
ReplyDeleteRip Cheryl peter lived a lowlife style thats how he lost it all
ReplyDeleteWow she's not dead do you believe every idiot online? Well if you do 'STOP" newsflash people make shit up online!
DeleteYeah, they were pretty mean to Cheryl. And when he said, "look at you and look at my wife..." That's telling. Cheryl is very attractive, so that wasn't a good line.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was very petty. Peter was rightfully generous to this guy, but was mean to her.
DeleteThe reaaon Criss was sore at Cheryl it came around the time his mother died and that's how the story came out.
DeleteI believe Cheryl too, but are we sure that's her Facebook's page?
ReplyDeleteAgain, Wrong Cheryl
Deletehow do you know??
DeleteWhat became of Chris Dickinson?
ReplyDeletewhat happened to the god damn imposter!! jesus
DeletePeter let her hang around and did not have an affair with her. I worked with Cheryl Ann, she admitted that her mom put her up to doing Donahue and that her acting skills could get her through it
ReplyDeleteSo then you know she did the same thing to Jan Michael Vincent too. She Took advantage of him when he was down and out. She tried to sue him for 5 million but got Zero. I Guess Addicts are or was Her thing to do in the 90s and Early 2000's
DeleteI'm a cousin of hers. My family hasn't seen her in over 40 yrs.I remember the last time she showed up was to ask my dad for money.
DeleteThat's very unfortunate. This woman very much wanted money in boosting her so called acting career that never really flew. Wherever she may be now hopefully she is at peace. Her measure in wanting success didn't get her to the right places and her appearance on Donahue may her biggest taste of fame but for the wrong reasons.
DeleteTom Arnold is a fat retard. No way was Peter Criss with that woman Cheryl.
ReplyDeleteI hear you. This was so long ago and it's great some of these old talk shows are now being scene.
ReplyDeleteI feel Sorry for Peter having to deal with it at time of his Mother's death...... If any one googled the shows complete cast list on Matlock and Simon and Simon . Cheryl Ann isn't listed.tgey have over a thousand names for each show...I remember reading that Chris Dickinson died shortly after.....his liver failed.... Does anyone know what happened to Cheryl Ann??? I believe she had the affair.
ReplyDeleteI know this is an old thread but she did the Same thing to another Actor , Jan Michael Vincent. They have a photo of her and him together and she say she had a miscarriage by him and was going to Sue him for 5 million. The Reason you all can not find her is she added to her name as Cheryl Ann Thompson Chiafullo. She was on one episode of Mattlock But I can not find the name of that episode of Mattlock and Found zero mention of her on any episode of Simon and Simon. Hopes this Answer some of your part of your questions. I Guess Addicts are or was Her thing to do in the 90s and Early 2000's.
DeleteIt's no surprise Chris died after his national claim to fame and Cherl is still alive and she is a nurse so it's best everyone should be dwelling what happened 28 years ago it's best to move on.
ReplyDeleteThat facebook page is not Cheryl Ann Thompson from the show.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the clarification sorry for the misidenity
ReplyDeleteFunny, I'm here after Googling "Cheryl Ann Thompson" just after having watched the old Donohue segment on YouTube. I see everyone is still wondering what happened to her and the imposter guy.
ReplyDeleteJust watched this on YouTube. I believe Peter had an affair with Cheryl. Peter's wife looked coked out of her head. Peter looked rough too...there was an awful lot of nose wiping going on. Cheryl didn't deserve the hate. Tom Arnold was an asshole then and an even bigger one now.
ReplyDeleteyeah I had to do it.. "Cheryl Ann Thompson" The episode could've been Bridget Fonda impersonator.
ReplyDeleteWatching Criss going through such a rough time was very rough for him amnd his mother passed around that time as well but he's doing fine now and as for Cheryl Anne Thompson it doesn't matter where she is she had her fifteen minutes of fame and was never heard from again.
ReplyDeleteHopefully this whole discussion is done with. Enough people had been hurt by this which was long ago and Peter Criss has moved on with his life and is doing well.
ReplyDeleteThat facebook page is not Cheryl Ann Thompson from the show. I asked, it was easy, she said No. I do believe that the Cheryl Ann Thompson from the show was a liar about it all, because her words didn't support her actions. #1 - She takes him home knowing it isn't the real Chris the moment she saw him at the airport. #2 = On the ride home with him she says he repulses her and she wanted to throw up - yet she takes him home and immediately starts making calls to let everyone know she and her mom have the imposter. #3 - She's relieved her friend calls in to the show, but is surprised when he labels her a compulsive liar, so after his claim she tries to discredit him. If he wasn't a worthy source of information - she wouldn't have been so relieved that he called in to begin with. #4 - She had no pictures, no proof of any kind that she had the affair with this man she claimed to be so much in love with. With Chris being famous - she would have managed to sneak in at lease one picture during the short time they were together if they had been together. #5 - Chris's ex-wife's current husband didn't get on the air, but I'm sure the ex-wife questioned her current husband about Cheryl Ann's claim, and the ex-wife said "we" find this hysterical that she's claiming something from 8 years ago ...... blah blah blah that wasn't true. Last - She claims to be an actress with nothing to support those claims. Everything out of her mouth was either a lie or trying to gain publicity. As for Chris and his wife being together now or not - who cares, that's their personal business and I'm sure they'll do what they have to do to move on. I wonder what happened to the imposter. Does anyone have any real facts with proof to back-up their information on his info?
ReplyDeleteI know this is an old thread but she did the Same thing to another Actor , Jan Michael Vincent. They have a photo of her and him together and she say she had a miscarriage by him and was going to Sue him for 5 million. The Reason you all can not find her is she added to her name as Cheryl Ann Thompson Chiafullo. She was on one episode of Mattlock But I can not find the name of that episode of Mattlock and Found zero mention of her on any episode of Simon and Simon. Hopes this Answer some of your part of your questions. I Guess Addicts are or was Her thing to do in the 90s and Early 2000's.
DeleteThat may had been her only slice of fame which sadly she never was on anymore shows but she certainly got famous on Donahue which she got crucified by Peter Criss who we know lost his mother around that time. Cheryl from what I gathered passed on and Dickinson the imposter did as well over 25 years ago. Thanks for finding this maybe this will at last be put to bed.
DeleteHe's the new drummer of Kiss
DeleteAnd i dont need proof. I'm Gene Stanley, guiatrist of Kiss. I can prove it by telling you my character in the group. I was the Space Cake
DeleteI am the real Cheryl Ann Thompson and I am the current drummer for KISS and I like to Rock and Roll all night and part of every day ... I run errands the rest of the day.
DeleteI found this article in SPY magazine Aug 1995 pg. 34, seems she's a sick person (Cheryl ANN) and needs serious help.
ReplyDeleteI read the article. Wow. She had some real issues for sure!
DeleteMental issues of wanting to be part of the rock scene and do whatever it takes to get it. Cheryl simply falls into that which is unfortunate and after being rejected for the last time she was never heard from again. Peter Criss really felt for the homeless guy whom was the center of the scandal that drew nationwide attention.
DeleteCheryl Anne wanted may had wanted to be part of financial gain club just wanting to join in the party which she got rejected time and time again. Still after all these years this was among a Donahue classic.
Deletethe second last comment truly sums up the whole story that it's been 28 years since that episode happen and everyone should just let this go. Cheryl Ann never established herself in any field of entertainment. She like a dozen others was a wannabe actor that wanted a slot of fifteen minutes which she got but that resulted getting crucified by Criss whose mother passed around that time. You really do feel for the guy of all the hell he endured & that appearance on Donahue was his way to make it clear to everybody he wasn't homeless and he's still alive. chris Dickinson was a person with mental substance problems who pretty much created this mess and felt pretty bad of what he's done and he got three people involved which did include Cheryl who simply jumped in at the right time to be part of this drama crazed that didn't help her go further of her self proclaimed acting career.
ReplyDeleteDid chris have any family? I wonder if he was still living with her when he died?
ReplyDeleteChris died months after this taping and Cheryl Ann god knows where she may be but she pretty much hasn't been heard from again.
ReplyDeletefrom what I read which to me he passed on months after this story came up and this may had been his only biggest fame even though he did it for the wrong reasons.
ReplyDeleteIts all a bit weird. Chris Dickinson was obviously a troubled soul pretending to be someone he wasn't to impress fellow bums and earn a bit of money and credibility. I read somewhere he was an aspiring musician himself at some point. Cheryl Ann and her mother, not sure what to make of them. She could have been an old flame, she could have been a complete liar trying to get herself some exposure. Either way, she and her mother didn't have to take Chris Dickinson in. Then there's Peter. He didn't exactly cover himself in glory with his approach but then I wouldn't have taken too kindly to someone wreaking havoc pretending to be me. He could have had a thing with Cheryl Ann, he wasn't going to admit it and for the tabloid and these people to do this to him at the worst time, he's never going to have reacted well. I did think he was very compassionate toward Chris though when he could have ripped into him.
ReplyDeleteYou did your research well and what you may have wrote perhaps will being closure to this whole affair which it's among the classics of Talk show history. Dickinson may had been a musician at some point in his life which perhaps his lifestyle very much overshadowed his quest in hoping to live the rock n roll dream that didn't happen for him. Peter felt bad for the guy and it's no wonder he simply knew this man wanted to go the success route he went and he needed consoling. As for Cheryl Ann this tramp wanted to be the center groupie in wanting to be in on the spotlight and this result was a well deserved rejection from Criss as you can tell was mourning the loss of his mother which came at the worse time when that story hit. Cheryl I'm sure learned her lesson from that and she never again appeared on any television shows and is living in obscurity never heard or seen again.
ReplyDeleteWell if that would have been the Jerry Springer show you would bet that Cheryl and Debra would have ended up on the floor in a catfight. Now that would have been fun to see.
ReplyDeleteJerry wasn't out at the time but this was close to rea;lity as it gets and Cheryl wherever she is now her 15 minutes ended 29 years ago. Mr Criss put an end to that.
DeleteActually Jerry Springer started in September of 91, but it wasn't the format that it ended up being. The first season was actually more "real" with serious topics and guests. Not the jiggle goofy show it ended up being. If it would have happened several years later than a catfight between the two girls would have been almost expected if it were on Jerry Springer.
ReplyDeleteAgain that's true Jerry's show in the beginning was a basic talk show like Phil's till it became the most trashed show since Morton Downey Jr which as we all know Jerry Springers show was at it's heioght in the 90's early 2000's. Getting back to the Criss story Cheryl petulanced herself as a wannabe actress that wanted to be famous and got on only one show which was Matlock and after that never came close to be on either shows till Donahue and got the brush off that pretty much ended her 15 minutes of fame.
ReplyDeleteI believe Cheryl. Peter and Jerry Nolan were besties and hung out a lot after he left Kiss. Tom Arnold made up things to help Peter out on national television. Debbie Jensen knew something because you could see it on her face. Cheryl knew a man who Peter definitely knew. Funny thing is Debbie was having an affair at this time too. But Peter is a liar and he in fact knew Cheryl.
ReplyDeleteThe reason Cheryl and her Mom took in the imposter was out of kindness. Yes there are people out there who are good Samaritans.
You could be entitled to that which others may agree or disagree. Cheryl seems like a likable lady but she was using her fame for the wrong reasons which eventually got her in trouble including wanting millions out of Jan Michael Vincent's pocket. It's one of those obscure Scandals people remember back then and one person has passed and others are still living.
ReplyDeleteHi Chris I know it's been three months since someone responded to this story surrounding Cheryl this woman wanted to assess her self proclaimed acting career which she appeared on the Phil Donahue show which evolved around a guy name Chris Dickerson who was a imposter claiming he's Peter Criss and he was living homeless on a pier in Los Angeles so these two ladies Cheryl and her mom found him which as a result took him to the Phil Donahue show and as they say the rest is history and Cheryl got rejected big time.